文憑試 微觀經濟學追回課程
Topic A1: National Income Determination 國民收入決定 National Income Accounting 國民收入核算 Employment and Price Level 就業與物價水平 AD-AS Model: AD curve, AS curves and equilibrium AD-AS 模型: AD曲線 ,AS 曲線 與均衡 AD-AS Model: Output Gap and Market Adjustment Mechanism AD-AS 模型: 產出差距及市場調節機制 Topic A2: Money and Banking 貨幣與銀行 Money and Banking System 貨幣與銀行系統 Money Supply M1/M2/M3 貨幣供應量 Deposits Creation 存款創造 Inflation and Quantity Theory of Money 通貨膨脹與貨幣數量論 Topic A3: Government Policies 政府政策 Fiscal Policy 財政政策 Monetary Policy 貨幣政策 AD-AS Model: Application of Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy AD-AS 模型: 財政政策 及 貨幣政策 應用 Topic A4: International Trade and Finance 國際貿易與金融 (To be released in August 八月放送 ) International Trade Theory 國際貿易理論 Tariff and Quota 關稅與配額 International Finance 國際金融 Exchange Rate 滙率